what we do
At Simple Plans we are here to help make architecture accessible by keeping everything simple. We have over 20-years’ experience can help you understand the jargon that goes behind your planning applications with the Local Authority.
We can also provide you with detailed plans and drawings to help bring your ideas to life. To find out more about us, get in contact with our team who will provide you with a full consultation to understand your specific, individual requirements!
The first bit. We will visit you on site to discuss what work you want to do and provide guidance on the design and feasibility of the proposal. We will then know if planning permission is required (it’s not always necessary), if it’s likely to be given (no guarantees) and if so we will carry out a measured survey of the site upon which our planning application drawings will be based.
Alternatively, if you would simply like your sketch drawings drawn up to professional standard without a survey we can of course do that too for a reduced fee.

The technical bit. Exactly what it says on the tin! We sit down and draw two sets of plans and elevations of your building, one as existing and one showing what it will look like once work is complete. We will keep you involved in this process to ensure we’re on the right track and that you’re completely happy with the work we’re proposing. No design ego on our part, it’s your home so nothing goes out the door until you say it’s right.
The technical bit. Exactly what it says on the tin! We sit down and draw two sets of plans and elevations of your building, one as existing and one showing what it will look like once work is complete. We will keep you involved in this process to ensure we’re on the right track and that you’re completely happy with the work we’re proposing. No design ego on our part, it’s your home so nothing goes out the door until you say it’s right.

The admin bit. Once you’ve agreed that the final plans are exactly how you want them it’s now time to submit the planning application to the dreaded Local Authority! This involves filling out the necessary forms and certificates, ensuring that all of the required plans and supporting documents are present and correct and then submitting the completed package to the Local Authority.

The boring bit. Once the application is received by the local authority they will check it has everything they need and validate it, if they need any further information we will of course provide it. We will then get a letter from them telling us it’s been received and giving us details of the consultation period, usually 8 weeks and a date by which we should expect to have a decision.
Now comes the hardest part, we have to just wait.